

(Éruption cutanée)


Your doctor will try to identify the trigger by asking when the rash appeared and what you might have done that was different from usual in the days leading up to it. Blood tests generally reveal very little about hives. In many cases (at least half), the cause remains a mystery. It usually doesn't matter, because hives are a brief, solitary event for most people.

Your doctor may ask you to keep a record of what you eat and your activities to try to pinpoint the cause.

If hives last more than 48 hours and the diagnosis is unclear, a skin biopsy may be done.

If you have chronic hives, your doctor will probably examine you for signs of other medical problems that can cause hives to appear, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Your doctor may ask for routine tests for these conditions.

Traitement et Prévention

Prevention is the best treatment for hives. If you or your doctor can discover what's causing the rash, you can avoid that trigger in the future. It may be something obvious, but it's possible that you'll never find out.

The itching of hives can usually be rapidly relieved with antihistamines like hydroxyzine* or diphenhydramine. These antihistamines tend to cause drowsiness. Other less sedating antihistamines (such as desloratadine, cetirizine, loratadine, or fexofenadine) may also be used for chronic hives or if acute hives last for more than 24 to 48 hours.

Severe hives or angioedema can be treated with adrenalin injections (sometimes called epinephrine). Adrenaline constricts blood vessels, which reduces swelling. Corticosteroids may be given orally (by mouth) or topically (onto the skin) in extreme cases, but never for very long. Medications called leukotriene modifiers (e.g., montelukast) may be tried in some patients if other medications have failed to work.

These medications can treat the symptoms very effectively, but there's no actual cure. Hives usually clear up within a week, but they can go on for 2 or more years.

A monoclonal antibody called omalizumab may be used if chronic hives persist despite other treatments.

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